HCE Fórum



  • Nevíte někdo jestli Weinhold s Davídkem do Ústí přestoupili, nebo je to jen hostovačka? Nikde se mi to nepodařilo najít
  • Click them here: https://www.eliteprospects.com/team/153/hc-karlovy-vary/2017-2018
    It seems there are no (official) news about many players... inclusive M. Vachovec.
  • Odpověděli mi na Facebooku, Weinhold hostování, Davídkovi skončila smlouva
  • @kinkis: Thanks for sharing the info.  :)
    Does anybody know something about the future of M. Vachovec?
  • Thanks for sharing this information, @Puzmiho_komplic:)
    I hope, he finds his fortune there. In my opinion, our managers and the coaching staff - aside all their success last season - never realised what they had in a player like M. Vachovec.
  • If we need a goon, here is a job application video: 

    Joking aside, some teams have upgraded their team with some enforcers/goons, and we have 'lost weight'. I hope, all goes well with this setting of our team. (Otherwise: See above.)
  • upraveno 28. červenec 2018
    Nezlobte se na mě, ale... Jasný, Vachovec je odchovanec, sympaťák, jenže body neměl. Dlouhodobě. I na bránícího hráče. Tak bych zas tak nebrečel.
    Nevím, jestli je Krakov ideální volba, možná jo, budu mu držet palce.
    Post edited by plasa on
  • At se dari Vachy.
  • Yes, @plasa, I know about M. Vachovec's points issue. On the other hand I see a certain potential in him. In all the last years he was used by every of our coaches only as a 'defensive forward' and penalty killer. He made his job well wherever they set him then. And he was a stability factor in all of our unstable teams over all these years. He did all for the team, but he was not developed individually in this time. (Like all those kid stars in the entertainment industry - once in such a drawer and it is difficult to get out of it and do something else; ask Macaulay Culkin, Edward Furlong or Drew Barrymore for example.) M. Vachovec grew up to a leadership player in our team, but then... What happened? Injuries and he was 'forgotten' by our coaches. 
    If he got the chance and would have been developed by our coaches continously in a more offensive role - I think, he could have been a worthful, powerful two-way-forward for the next years (and maybe a replacement for V. Skuhravý - in his best years - later). 
    I am wondering, no scout of the Extraliga (Czech and Slovak) ever saw that potential? I would only understand the underratement of his skills and relevance for a team, if there is a health problem. 
    I agree, I do not know, too, if Cracovia is an ideal career station now. It will be difficult for him to develop his skills adequately now (towards an Extraliga and there an 'age of 30 hockey' level). But I cross my fingers for him and hope he can come back sometimes to fulfill his fate at KV.

    PS: T. Harkabus will be the next similar case. And that is the reason I think our coaches have some problems with 'bigger' players. Maybe these 'bigger' players do not fit in their gameplay concept. But I am convinced these players are underrated. And if our coaches do not appreciate them, I hope some other team will do it. For the sake of these players and their careers. 
  • @HawK71 I am very curios on Lyzsczarczyk. I watched him on last Division I championship in team Poland and a think, that he has big potencial. Just look on his points in last seasons.
  • upraveno 29. červenec 2018
    @Vosa1: I saw the points. I also saw the league. ;) In my opinion 'many points in the AHL' are a hint for a certain quality of a player. In those other leagues it is more difficult to rate the quality of a player by his points there. For example, compare R. Nejezchleb's statistics in the AHL with his statistics in the other leagues. It would have been nice, if A. Lyszczarczyk have had a stint in the AHL also. It would have been easier to rate him then.
    Btw: Here is an interesting discussion about the North American 'Minor Leagues': https://hfboards.mandatory.com/threads/league-ranking-whl-ohl-ahl-qmjhl-ncaa.370372/
    All in all I am curious, too, and we will see what will happen.  :)
    EDIT: What did you see in Poland?
    Post edited by HawK71 on
  • upraveno 30. červenec 2018
    @HawK71 He was one of the best players in Poland. Yes it's true, that Poland relegated on this championship, but he was so good on his age. I've seen this matches streamed on internet.
    Post edited by Vosa1 on
  • Loni se posily extrémně povedli, tak třeba to vyjde i letos :-).
  • Za peníze utržené při sbírce je přichystána tipovačka!
    Pro přípraváky ve zkušebním provozu, pak se doladí. 
    Nevýhodu je, že pro její tipování je nutná nová registrace, neumím to prostě propojit :-). Zkuste si to a uvidíme :-).

  • @kjetel když jsem se registroval a přišel mi odkaz na heslo tak jsem na to klikl a hodilo mi to tohle 
    Odkaz pro vytvoření nového hesla je patrně neplatný. Zkuste prosím znovu změnit heslo.
  • @FeryBo

    Viz soukromá zpráva. Zkusil jsem se zaregistrovat, a šlo mi to dobře. Tak nevím :-/.
  • Já taky v pohodě
  • Super, mám natipováno :) Schválně, jestli budu poslední... :D
  • @kjetel Chválím nápad s tipovačkou a oceňuji čas, který jsi nad tím určitě strávil =) . Každopádně pár postřehů:

    Myslím si, že po tipnutí výsledku, by již výsledek neměl jít editovat. Nevím jak to máš nastavené, jestli do jde editovat do začátku zápasu, nebo i v průběhu, ve druhém případě by to pochopitelně ztrácelo smysl. Můj názor je, že by již odeslaný tip neměl jít editovat vůbec.
    Další věc, taková drobnost. Budou se výsledky tipovat klasicky z pohledu Domácí-Hosté a nebo z vždy pohledu HC Energie? Zjednodušeně, budou Vary vždy napsané vlevo, nebo to bude podle toho jak týmy hrají doma/venku?

    Na závěr bych chtěl upozornit všechny zaregistrované členy tohoto fóra, abyste se co nejdříve zaregistrovali do tipovačky i v případě, že nechcete tipovat. Zabráníte případnému zneužití svého nicku někým jiným.
  • Je to nastavené, že pět minut před začátkem utkání se vypne možnost editace (čas lze posouvat). Tady asi možnost úpravy před zápasem nevadí.

    Bude to vždy ve formátu domácí-hosté 🙂. To mi přijde smysluplnější.
  • @kjetel Super, díky za odpověď :)
  • Za tipovačku díky! Už jsem natipoval :)
  • Mam podobnej problem jako FeryBo.  :#
  • HawK71 napsal(a):

    Is Kafka ready to play?  B)
    no ...
  • @kafka_jr: Ready or not - bond him to the goal posts.  =)

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