HCE Fórum



  • Hm, určitě Motoráci seženou někoho lepšího....
    A jinak k tý Kadani - vim, že nemůžeme pořád vyhrávat, ale ten tým je v ř*ti, to by chtělo urvat 3  body.
  • kjetel napsal(a):
    Stramaccioni je nejhorší hráč Football Managera v historii. 
    Já tutoho Itala miluju. Díky jemu ( a samozřejmě i Křetínskýmu, kterej z neznámých důvodů na rozdíl od jiných svých firem má na Letný jednoho neschopu vedle druhýho  ), je rudá chátra k smíchu a Viktorce tak ubyl jeden těžký soupeř. B)
  • pOne napsal(a):
    H71: Je to jako u rady jinych hracu. V pripade postupu do ELH je dohoda o prodlouzeni kontraktu. Nevim jestli je vylozene opce ve smlouve, jako je tomu u jinych hracu.
    Thanks, @pOne, for reminding it. I hope our managers have learnt from the past. 

    kjetel napsal(a):
    Stramaccioni je nejhorší hráč Football Managera v historii. 

     =)    =)    =)  (I do not like soccer, and I do not know, if it is true - but that joke made my day. Thanks, @kjetel.)

    PS: If I will find some time, I write a longer post some day - and it has to do with those ambitions, because of České Budějovice fired their coach even if they are on rank 3 in the WSM-Liga. 
  • ...and one thing about tomorrow: Anything but 3 points and at least 3 own goals more than Kadaň is not acceptable.
  • @HawK71 yeah but you have to know all the things "in background". It's not only about their position in table and so on. Their manager had some conflicts with players, also team spirit was not so good at all. Third place with 3 missing points to first place is good result I think.. 2 matches and they can be the league leader.
  • H71: Ja bych se osobne na tohle moc nespolehal. Uz jsme tady meli hrace pod smlouvou na 5 let a sel ....  :/ Takze tak. Je to veci nabidky a poptavky ... a taky vztahu/klimatu uvnitr klubu.
  • Přátelé z pražské sekce nechystá se někdo zítra na romantickej (čti alkoholový) výjezd vlakem? =)
  • Já vlakem asi až do Vsetína. Teď na ten hokej nebude moc času asi :(
  • plasa: Kolik zastavek tramvaji to mas, prosimte, ze s tim delas takovy obstrukce? :)
  • Yes, @kinkis and @pOne, I thought already there must be some problems at České Budějovice. They lost against Benátky nad Jizerou(!) and Ústí nad Labem(!) - that is never a good sign. A more or less self-proclaimed favourite for the promotion to the Extraliga should never lose against such weak teams - furthermore: without scoring any goal in these two matches! (The more it was getting on my nerves we scored no points at České Budějovice.) Btw: I think their problem is really deeper and bigger. Let me guess: The mixture of their team is unstable, too many old big egos and no one to do the 'needed work'. ...but maybe I am wrong.

    On the other hand my name-dropping of 'České Budějovice' and the reference to their ambitions was meant by me in an other way... We have similar high ambitions with our team and it makes me not(!) happy to see all the same mistakes still in our gameplay, like during the last seasons. I like/love to see you and the fans on the whole happy about the results so far. But I can see many 'warning flashlights' in our matches. If our team does not stop these old mistakes, we will not return to  the Extraliga in the end of this season.

    Goalies: I am still not satisfied. Saving percentages under 90% are far too weak. In the playoffs and the baráž a goalie must be reliable and stable. He must have a performance curve to the better, to better saving percentages against stronger opponents. I do not know what happend to T. Závorka, but I can not trust him anymore for the mission of this season. F. Novotný seems better, but on Wednesday he had 'not his best day', and if he takes more of those 'weaker days' in the end of this season (against Extraliga teams), it will be very difficult to win those decisive matches. 
    (Btw: If it is possible to play with such a young goalie in the WSM-Liga I would give Jan Bednář a chance in our goal for one match. Yes, it is a little, crazy idea - but hey, it could be the right Christmas present for an ambitious youngster.)

    Defence: It is always the same 'tic-tac-toe' which leads to goals against us. If our defenders still do not hold their very own standard position half left and half right at the own goal zone opponent's Mr 'toe' will always score! What is so difficult to understand this easy principle? And the other point: Why are we still wasting leads so easily? 2:0, 3:0 - it is (still) never sure our team spoils it again, even against such weak teams from the WSM-Liga. No way - that is unacceptable!

    Offence: I love to see these shots from the blue line! This is a weapon our team lacked for too long before. But on the other hand we are also playing that fucking complicated 'tic-tac-toe'. Why? It is nice to look at as a fan, a real good show, if(!) it works. But(!), see above, if the opponent's defenders are holding their positions the only result of this 'tic-tac-toe' is: 'No goal'! If our players would keep the attacks simple and would internalise a more automatically, fast shooting from every point in the offence zone, while having at minimum one bigger player (like M. Vachovec, M. Davídek, T. Harkabus, H. Tuominen and last but not least V. Skuhravý) in the slot, our team would create much more and much better chances. We have those players - why aren't we using them in the right way? 

    And about some arguments I read in the last days about the players of our and other teams: There is always a reason why a player plays in the WSM-Liga and not in the Extraliga (btw: in my eyes T. Rachůnek is an excellent two-way-forward, but he has a problem with his inefficiency to score goals, and S. Balán is one of most interesting creative players, but he lacks of resilience and physicality). Yes, other teams have 'known names' in their line-ups. But in my eyes there is a difference between our players and those 'names' in the other teams not playing in the Extraliga (or elsewhere above). Our players can perform well, but they are young, inexperienced and not so stable so far. The most of the 'names' in the other teams are much more experienced, but they are at the end of their performance level curve! And this is an other advantage we have and we should use: Our young players can perform at a level some of those 'names' are too weak for (in their older days now).

    At this point in the season I still see too many old mistakes and 'not used advantages'. I hope for an improvement!
  • H71 pomalu ale jiste prebira zezlo od kuldy. To sou tapety jak za starych casu!!! :-) Jestli teda H71 nemiri nekam vejs.... :-)
  • Během 90 vteřin dostat 3 fíky to je opravdu umění.
  • Tvl 3 body jasný,ale co to tam zase mistři kurnik předváděli posledních 5 minut?Vždyť to je přece kurnik škoda,takhle je nechat stáhnout.
  • Musím opět konstatovat že Vachovec tam nemá co dělat.
  • Jo dobře dostali tři góly, ale máme potřebu se v tom hrabat. Tři body a tečka.
  • Jaká tečka? Naopak, smrdí to průserem, když "tým" jako Kadaň ti dá za cca 90sec 3 góly- to neni v pořádku. Budeme doufat, že vždycky dáme víc, než zbytečně obdržíme? To neni to pravý ořechový....
  • Hawk: have you ever been satisfied with our performance in any game? :) I like your comments but I've got a feeling that you still see anything wrong in our play. Maybe because we dont have best players from the world, also coaches and budget and ice and so on. You have to keep in mind that there are only players which every one of them has limited skills in play..we are not team full of stars :) maybe we could be better in few things but I think that our team nowadays play the best of it could play..every player wants to play the best and what you can see is the best which is in our skill and our possibilities. And that also includes mistakes which you mentioned..there will be always mistakes ..deal with that ;)
  • upraveno 14. říjen 2017
    Venca je strasne odevzdanej. Furt se vzteka na Vachovca a Gorcika a pak ani neda gol do prazdny. O presilovce 5 na 3 ani nema cenu mluvit. Proc si pesout nevzal oddechovej po tretim golu taky nevim. Kazdopadne atmosfera super a hokej jsem si uzil. Nejvic nasranej bude asi zavorka :D
    Post edited by Bongito on
  • upraveno 14. říjen 2017
    Ona třetí třetina byla taková uspávací. Naši viděli že i na půl plynu jsou rovnocenným soupeřem a nikam se už nehnali. Kadaňské ten jejich gól nakopnul a naši do tempa nenaběhli tak rychle. Přece jen už se viděli v autobusu s třemi body v náručí. Pokud to byl ojedinělý jev a nebude se to v dalších zápasech opakovat, tak v tom nevidím problém. Naopak to všem klukům znovu ukáže že svoji hru musí hrát 60 minut. Tři body jsou doma.

    Edit: nevzetí oddechového času po třetím gólu taky nechápu. Já bych ho bral už po druhém abych kluky třeba i seřváním probral. Právě proto bych třetí gól hodil na vrub trenérovi který zaspal třetí třetinu stejně jako celý tým
    Post edited by Vossy on
  • Tohle se proste nesmi stavat.A to ani v prvni lize.Jinak taky muze jednou prijit nejakej takovej zapas,kterej,svoji bohorovnosti nakonec prohrajou,a muze se to pak vse otocit proti nim,a veskera snaha,pujde do kopru.Pak Buchal rekne,ze tohle meli hrat cely zapas,a vysledek by byl jinej.No ale proc tohle zacli hrat?Pac jim to nasi dovolili,kdyby hrali nasi porad stejne,tak by si necuchli.Mozna si reknete,co mi vadi,ze jsme prvni,atd.Me proste vadi LAXNOST,jak ve sportu,tak v praci.
  • upraveno 15. říjen 2017
    HawK71 napsal(a):
    For the 1st time since years I am satisfied with the performance of our team, especially the scoring. And it is good to see a gunman like M. Podlipnik in our team - I missed those gunners for too long.
    @Screepy: You can see above my posting from September the 24th.  :)

    Ad 'the dealing with mistakes': Sorry, but my theory/philosophy is still (autonomously from the circumstances, such like the players, the coaches, the budget et cetera): Mistakes should be named and stopped ... and not be made ever and ever again.   :)
    Post edited by HawK71 on
  • Jelínek, Kotalík, Rob. Jsem na tuhle trojku v Budějovicích zvědavý. Jelínkovu teorii by ty dva mohli umět převést v praxi. No uvidíme. Pod Stavjanou se prý hráčům nelíbila tvrdá disciplína, ale pod Jelínkem to podle mě jiné nebude.
  • Ještě ke Kadani - třetí třetinu se všichni viděli už v buse směrem na pondělní Frýdek-Místek. Stávat by se to nemělo, ale během těch dvou třetin to bylo víceméně na jednu branku, občas až exhibice.

    Těch dobrých 600, 700 Varáků pak byla super třešnička  :).
  • I am sorry that I didnt catch your positive comment ;) anyway..write please your comments further I like them at all (doesnt matter if I dont agree with something) :)
  • upraveno 15. říjen 2017
    I like other opinions - they are occasions to prove my points of view.  
    You all can be sure: I am a positive/optimistic person and in all my  criticism I only want to see our team being successful.
    Post edited by HawK71 on
  • Tak dneska to tam bude těžký.Na body to moc nevidím.Tipuju 3:2
  • jestli bude chytat Strmeň, tak to bude dost težký. Tipuju 1:1
  • No jo no,a je to.Prostě venku to nejde,je to zaklety.Tak sbírat body doma,a venku po bodu.
Abys mohl komentovat, musíš být přihlášený nebo registrovaný.

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