Ty tmavy jeste jdou. Ale ty svetly to je humus. Nocni kosile od vietnamcu...... To by byly mnohem lepsi ty minecraftacky, co mel dorost. Kdyz uz chteji cirkus. V jakych hrajou doma?
I see ... STRIPES! This must be our new secret weapon: Distracting opponents by hypnotizing them with stripes. Like Zebras do it with biting flies. Here is no hockey player to see who shoots goals against you and ... score!
@pOne: Yes, those Minecraft jerseys were excellent.
Dresy dělal Baron graphics...toho človíčka už delší dobu sleduji na fb,mužu říct ze snad od začátku kdy ještě dělal lidem timeliny na fb na přání a vždy se mi jeho práce moc líbila. Dělal i myslím pro Slavii a Třinec věci do fan schopů pro fanoušky a byli to parádní věci, určitě doporučuji zkouknout jeho fb je tam ranec pekne práce, proč ty dresy dopadli takhle...to nechápu,ty proužky to je fakt úlet. Ještě ta tmavá varianta dejme tomu ale ta světla...to fakt ne, to se nepovedlo. Ale tak nám fanouškům je to stejně jedno nic s tím neuděláme a nás se ptát nikdo nebude na názor bohužel. To ty banikovsky to je jiná ty jsou fajné
Tvl ty dresy fakt nechápu, jsou fakt hnusný a hlavně už si ani na staďáku nemůžeme zařvat pruhovaný sv..ě, aby to nevypadalo že řveme na vlastní hráče :-)
Tvl ty dresy fakt nechápu, jsou fakt hnusný a hlavně už si ani na staďáku nemůžeme zařvat pruhovaný sv..ě, aby to nevypadalo že řveme na vlastní hráče :-)
A právě naopak. Nejenom pilskotel ocení, že "pruhovaná banda čuráků" při utkání s Váma "zasáhne" víc aktérů...
Ja myslim,ze ac trochu pruhovany ty dresy jsou,tak kazdej pri takovych pokricich pochopi,na koho je to mysleno.Zase tak hnusny a nepovedeny nejsou.Si clovek zvykne,na dresy se nehraje.
Here are some photos of our "tourists on ice" from their sunday excursion:
Our performance during the 1st period was ok. Not well, but ok. If our players would have used their chances, the result after the 1st period should have been a 0:5 lead. So it was only a 0:2 lead.
In the 2nd period I had sometimes the impression our players are having their stick in their hands for the 1st time. Remember and see: The DEL2 and so Kassel is four classes worse [minimum!], but our players were not able to bring their skills on the ice. It was like they have forgot their skills in the player's cabin in the break after the 1st period. For example: B. Kubka was so slow, Kassel's stand-hockey-players were faster than him - and he got even penalised for holding!
In the 3rd period it was a little bit better … but none of our players knew how to score, either they shot at Kassel's Goalie, or the shot was placed far away from the goal.
J. Bednář was the only one of our players who was at his possible and usual performance Level. But if our other players do not score goals (especially so during the penalty shooting), we can not win even against Kassel's not-hockey-players.
kjetel: No ale i treba ta pisnicka, jak nebyly penize po titulu, tak to tady (kvuli tomu) stalo za starou backoru. To neni pravda! Pletkove, Bartekove a spol. sem sli jiste hrat za stravu a odev.
No, je to solidní masakr...
This must be our new secret weapon: Distracting opponents by hypnotizing them with stripes.
Like Zebras do it with biting flies. Here is no hockey player to see who shoots goals against you and ... score!
@pOne: Yes, those Minecraft jerseys were excellent.
...is there anybody out there?
PS: I do not like Kassel, but if...
[Photo is following.]
A ještě víc to vynikne, když vedle proužkatýho čehosi při předváděčce v Lokti drží borec dres Baníku Sokolov, který je naopak velmi hezký...
Our performance during the 1st period was ok. Not well, but ok. If our players would have used their chances, the result after the 1st period should have been a 0:5 lead. So it was only a 0:2 lead.
In the 2nd period I had sometimes the impression our players are having their stick in their hands for the 1st time. Remember and see: The DEL2 and so Kassel is four classes worse [minimum!], but our players were not able to bring their skills on the ice. It was like they have forgot their skills in the player's cabin in the break after the 1st period. For example: B. Kubka was so slow, Kassel's stand-hockey-players were faster than him - and he got even penalised for holding!
In the 3rd period it was a little bit better … but none of our players knew how to score, either they shot at Kassel's Goalie, or the shot was placed far away from the goal.
J. Bednář was the only one of our players who was at his possible and usual performance Level. But if our other players do not score goals (especially so during the penalty shooting), we can not win even against Kassel's not-hockey-players.
I am still not amused!
Rozhovor s Vencou
Pletka tady hrál za vagón šál, to je přeci jasný.